Este grupo se centra en actividades al aire libre relacionadas con la jardinería y también con el arte. Tiene lugar una vez a la semana y siempre fuera de TouchBase, llueva o truene (cosa bastante habitual en Escocia). He conocido dos de sus lugares de encuentro.
This group focuses on outdoor activities related to gardening and also art . It takes place once a week and always out of TouchBase, rain or shine. I have known two of their meeting sites.
El lugar al que van dos veces al mes es un refugio del Scotland Trust Charity. Está situado en las faldas del Ben Lomond, junto al lago del mismo nombre, y llevan yendo desde hace un año y medio.
Fui con ellos el 24 de Julio: hacía muchísimo calor (Sí !!!). Estuvimos paseando y recogiendo hierbas para teñir lana con una técnica de teñido que no usa fuego sino el calor del sol.
Comimos, tomamos te de una vulcano kettle, y yo comi, por primera vez en mi vida, una frambuesa directamente de la mata.
One of these places, where they go twice a month, is a shelter of Scotland Charity Trust. It is located at the foot of Ben Lomond, near the lake of the same name, and they have been going there for a year and a half.
I went with them on July 24: it was very hot (Yes !!!!). We walked and collected herbs for dyeing wool, using a dyeing technique with no fire, only the hot sun.
We ate, we had tea made in a vulcano kettle, and for the first time in my life, I ate a raspberry directly from a bush.
Este verano ha sido super cálido, una maravilla. Pero había que tener cuidado con los midges, variedad de mosquito escocés que no se ve pero que pica con rabia, especialmente cuando hace mucho calor y no hay viento.
This summer has been very warm, that´s so wonderful. But, we had to be careful with the midges, a kind of scottish mosquito unseen, but itchy angrily especially when it's hot and there is no wind.
This summer has been very warm, that´s so wonderful. But, we had to be careful with the midges, a kind of scottish mosquito unseen, but itchy angrily especially when it's hot and there is no wind.
En Escocia quedan abejas!
Still there are bees in Scotland!
La vulcano kettle
Miss Vulcano Kettle
Esta es la técnica de teñido: llenar un bote de cristal con lana y el material que pigmentará la lana, en este caso ortigas; se le añade agua y se deja al sol por meses.
This is the technique of dyeing: fill up a glass jar with wool and vegetal stuff (in this case nettles) which will give colour to the wool, add some water and let it under the sun for months.
This is the technique of dyeing: fill up a glass jar with wool and vegetal stuff (in this case nettles) which will give colour to the wool, add some water and let it under the sun for months.
El otro punto de encuentro es el jardín de una de las casas que Sense tiene diseminadas por la ciudad para sus usuarios. Está situado en un barrio del sur de Glasgow, Craigton. Aquí el grupo trabaja en diferentes proyectos:
Cardado de la lana que se utiliza para teñir, usando métodos tradicionales/ecofriendly.
Recopilación y ensamblaje de botellas de plástico recicladas, que pronto se convertirán en las paredes de un invernadero.
Recolección y siembra de semillas.
También llevan a cabo un gradual cambio en las plantas que tiene el jardín, estas fueron plantadas por el ayuntamiento, que fue quien construyó las casas, y son casi todas arbustos muy espinosos y cero comestibles. El grupo quiere convertir este espacio en un lugar de encuentro más agradable para los que habitan la casa y para el resto de personas de Sense que vengan de visita. La última adquisición ha sido una caseta de madera que servirá de refugio los días de frío y lluvia. Yo vi su construccion. En un dia los operarios la pusieron en pie con el aislante del tejado incluido.
Tengo prometida una visita la próxima primavera al Garden para ver como ha cambiado.
The other meeting site is at the garden of one of houses that Sense has for its users. It is located in the southside of Glasgow, Craigton. Here, the group is working on different projects:
Carding the wool that later they will use for dyeing. It takes a lot of patience, since you have to comb it little by little so as to be able to spin it afterwards.
Collecting and assembling of recycled plastic bottles that will soon become the walls of a greenhouse. They make piles with them, before tying them with thread.
Collecting seeds that later they will plant.
They also are doing a gradual change in plants having the garden, because almost all are bushes which are very thorny and not for human consumption. The group wants to turn this space into a more pleasant place for those who live in the flats and also for visitors. A place to enjoy while it is built.
The latest acquisition was a wooden cabin that will give them refuge on cold and rainy days. I saw its construction. In just one day, workers set it up, even with insulation roof.
I promised a visit to the garden for next spring, to see the changes.
Tengo prometida una visita la próxima primavera al Garden para ver como ha cambiado.
The other meeting site is at the garden of one of houses that Sense has for its users. It is located in the southside of Glasgow, Craigton. Here, the group is working on different projects:
Carding the wool that later they will use for dyeing. It takes a lot of patience, since you have to comb it little by little so as to be able to spin it afterwards.
Collecting and assembling of recycled plastic bottles that will soon become the walls of a greenhouse. They make piles with them, before tying them with thread.
Collecting seeds that later they will plant.
They also are doing a gradual change in plants having the garden, because almost all are bushes which are very thorny and not for human consumption. The group wants to turn this space into a more pleasant place for those who live in the flats and also for visitors. A place to enjoy while it is built.
The latest acquisition was a wooden cabin that will give them refuge on cold and rainy days. I saw its construction. In just one day, workers set it up, even with insulation roof.
I promised a visit to the garden for next spring, to see the changes.
Botes con lana y distintas plantas y frutos que la iran tiñendo. Distingo helechos, arándanos rojos, flores amarillas y repollo morado.
Jars filled up with wool, and also different plants and fruits that will dye the wool. I can see ferns, cranberries, yellow flowers and purple cabbage.
Este es el espantapájaros que ahuyenta a los coñejos. Realmente funciona.
This is the scarecrow that repels rabbits. He is doing his job very well.
Distintos momentos del cardado de la lana.
Different times on carding the wool.
Different times on carding the wool.
Semillas de water lily para plantar la próxima primavera.
Water lily seeds to be planted on next spring.
Imelda y Sandy plantando una aromática, creo que es orégano, para trasplantar al jardín el año que viene.
Here Imelda and Sandy are planting what I think it's oregano, for being transplanted to the garden on next year.
Here Imelda and Sandy are planting what I think it's oregano, for being transplanted to the garden on next year.
Lirio de agua para la primavera que viene.
Water lily for next spring.
Water lily for next spring.
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