Los miércoles los talleres se desarrollan en las naves de Matadero Madrid, que es un conocido centro de apoyo a la creación donde se aglutina actividades culturales muy diversas. Los programas del Sombrero que se desarrollan aquí son Al Matadero sin miedo y El Estudio. En este post hablaremos del primero de ellos.
On Wednesdays the workshops take place at the Matadero Madrid units. This is a well-known centre that supports creation where very different cultural activities occur. Debajo del Sombrero develops two programs here. In this post we will speak about one of them.
Matadero Madrid es el resultado del reciclaje del antiguo matadero, un conjunto de
48 edificios dedicado a realizar funciones de
matadero industrial y mercado de ganados, construido en lo que entonces eran los límites de la ciudad y que acabó engullido por esta en los años 70. Se cerró definitivamente en el 96, y al poco comenzó su transformación paulatina . Hoy en día 20 de esas naves acogen espacios de lectura, diseño, teatro, salas de exposiciones, laboratorio de arte...Es un espacio vivo, en constante cambio y al servicio de los procesos de creación y del diálogo entre las artes.
Matadero Madrid is the result of re-inhabiting the old slaughterhouse and cattle market. A set of 48 units formerly serving the whole of Madrid. When first built it was well within the city limits. Over time it has been engulfed by the spread of the city. Today 20 of those units are home to reading spaces, design, theatre, exhibition halls, art labs and many more. It is a lively, constantly changing space at the service of creative processes and dialogue between the arts.
Los talleres del Sombrero tienen lugar en la nave de Intermediae. Siempre se comienzan la jornada con una reunión en el terrario, para que voluntarios y organizadores se pongan al día con la evolución de cada participante.
The Sombrero workshops take place in the Intermediae unit. The day always starts with a meeting in the Terrarium, where volunteers and team members catch up with the progress/evolution of each participant.
´Al Matadero Sin Miedo ´ is one of the weekly programs. That translates like " to the Slaughterhouse without fear ".
Es un programa experimental que acoge alrededor de 30 participantes/artistas con discapacidad intelectual y 20 voluntarios/artistas de diferentes disciplinas artísticas. Parten siempre de los intereses de cada participante por lo que los resultados son muy heterogéneos. La idea es facilitar su proceso creativo ofreciendo materiales, alguna indicación útil, e incluso formación específica si el formato lo requiere, pero siempre cuidando la forma particular de expresarse/conducirse/trabajar de cada uno.
AL MATADERO SIN MIEDO se concibe como proceso vivo, siempre dispuesto a la transformación. Atento a las oportunidades que vienen del exterior, por un lado, y a las necesidades de los artistas por el otro. Refleja una de las cualidades de Debajo del Sombrero, la capacidad de adaptación al medio, a las circunstancias, yo diría que es una capacidad casi orgánica.
Actualmente en el taller hay tres grandes áreas de interés: Sonido y movimiento. Pintura y construcción. Dibujo, cómic, animación y video.
Ahora centramos nuestra atención en los artistas.
This is an experimental program that houses about 30 participants/artist with developmental disabilities and 20 volunteers/artists from different artistic disciplines. It has always prioritized the interests of each participant, so results are very idiosyncratic. The program methodology facilitates the creative process by providing materials, some useful guidance or even specific training if it is required, but always taking care of each artist´s particular form of expression. Al Matadero sin Miedo is conceived as a living process, always ready to change. Attentive to the opportunities that come from outside, on the one hand, and the needs of the artists on the other, it reflects some of the qualities of Debajo del Sombrero: the ability to adapt to the environment & circumstances, I would say it's very much an organic capacity. Currently in the program there are three major areas of interest: sound & movement; painting & construction and drawing, comics, animation & video. Now we turn attention to the atrists.
Luis María Herrero, no se comunica con palabras sino con acciones. Repite una y otra vez el mismo gesto/movimiento, y lo que queda (a veces lo que no queda) es la suma de todas esas repeticiones. Es excitante verle siempre llegar hasta los límites de lo que la acción elegida conlleva.
En este enorme lienzo ha ido añadiendo capa sobre capa de pintura chorreante, hasta el punto de ser necesaria la construcción de una especie de acequia sobre la que se apoya el lienzo, y donde cae todo el líquido sobrante. Lleva su tiempo recoger después de una de sus sesiones.
Recomiendo visitar la página 85 del catálogo de la exposición Mundo Extreme. Allí podréis ver otro gran ejemplo de su trabajo, y de la acción por la acción. Un gran tronco tallado hasta quedar reducido a astillas.
The artist Luis Maria Herrero does not speak. His actions speak for him. His work uses repetitions. It is always exciting to see him reach the edges of what his chosen action allows him to espress..
In this huge canvas, he has been adding layer upon layer of dripping paint, to the point of it becoming necessary to build a kind of gutter beneath where the canvas rests, and where any excess liquid falls. It takes some time to tidy up after one of his sessions.
I recommend visiting page 85 of the catalog for the Mundo Extreme exhibition. There, you can see another great example of his work. A large trunk which has been carved until reducing it to splinters.
Belén Sanchez idea
cortos donde ella es la protagonista, y es atacada por los malos para
finalmente salvarse/sanarse. Cada corto tiene su peculiaridad, por
ejemplo el "Extreme Dance" se desarrolla en el parque de atracciones donde es
conectada a una atracción que poco a poco le devuelve la vida o "La
tetilla" se dasarrolla en un vagón de metro. Variaciones en una historia
que parece recurrente y en la que ella es siempre el hilo conductor. Su
proceso creativo incluye la definición de personajes, muchas veces
representaciones de si misma, sus alter ego, para los que utiliza como
referencia su cuerpo. También crea el atrezo de cada historia,
como el que vemos en estas fotos: las bolas de oro de su próximo corto
"Macarra", que al pasárselas por el cuerpo curan.
Belén Sanchez creates short films where she is the main character. On them, she is usually attacked by villains and finally saved or healed. Each short has its peculiarities, such as´Extreme Dance´. This takes place in an amusement park where she is connected to a ride which slowly returns her to life. ´ La Tetilla ´ (the little boob) develops in a subway car where she plays multiple roles. All these plot variations are within recurrent themes where she is always the connecting thread. Her creative process involves the definition of characters, often representations of herself or alter egos, for which she uses her body as a reference. She also creates the props for each story, as we can see in these photos: golden balls for his next short film "Macarra" (thug), to stroke her body with them and heal.
Belén ha tenido una
evolución increíble y me encanta su capacidad de adaptarse a cada colaborador mientras se mantiene
siempre fiel a si misma. De hecho sus storyboards no han cambiado mucho. Sin embargo en la materialización de personajes y utilería que forman parte de los cortos está llegando a unos niveles de sofisticacion y expresión fantásticos. Es un ejemplo perfecto de colaboración con otros artistas, ella es mimética, comunicativa con quien entra dentro de su órbita, absorbe todo lo que puede servirle pero, como ya dije antes, todos sus trabajos guardan su sello.
Belén has had an incredible arc of growth and I love her ability to adapt to each assistant working with her, while she always remains true to herself. In fact her storyboards have not changed much. However, in the materialization of characters and props for each short film she reaches impressive levels of sophistication and expression. She is a perfect example of good collaboration with other artists: she is a mimic ( artistically speaking ) who communicates very well with whoever comes into her orbit, she absorbs everything that serves her, but, as I said before, all her work keeps her stamp.
Belén has had an incredible arc of growth and I love her ability to adapt to each assistant working with her, while she always remains true to herself. In fact her storyboards have not changed much. However, in the materialization of characters and props for each short film she reaches impressive levels of sophistication and expression. She is a perfect example of good collaboration with other artists: she is a mimic ( artistically speaking ) who communicates very well with whoever comes into her orbit, she absorbs everything that serves her, but, as I said before, all her work keeps her stamp.
Alfonso Sanchéz es hermano de Belén. Esta escultura, ´Torre de gente bañandose en barro´, es en lo que ha estado trabajando últimamente. El proceso es sencillo: internet, imprimir, colocar y pegar. Lo cuenta en este programa de Metrópolis sobre Debajo del Sombrero. Metropolis: Outsiders IV
Alfonso Sanchéz is the brother of Belén. This sculpture, ´Tower of people having a puddly bath´, is what he has been working on lately. The process is simple: Internet, print it, place it and glue it. He speaks about it in this tv documentary about Debajo del Sombrero.Metropolis: Outsiders IV
Angel Jesus Sastre "seems to be building his house, though it actually seems more like a private interior for him and him alone than a house. The walls he raised a year and a half ago formed the first room, which he gradually furnished and floored with very fine-grained wood. He continued to add more chambers and floors around this initial room, turning it into an endlessly expanding project. To these and other details, meticu- lously planned and assembled, Ángel has delicately and carefully added layers upon layers each day. It is only with difficulty that we can glimpse something of what lies inside by peering through one of the tiny windows in the walls of the house, so different from the other type of window which, in opening wide, loses its interior by revealing it to the world". From Mundo Extreme catalogo
Marina Solana está creando ´La Casa de Luna´, primero la historia ilustrada y ahora los personajes y
escenarios en 3D. Ella trabaja mucho el collage, podréis verlo clicando en el
Marina Solana is creating ´la Casa de Luna´ (´The Moon´s Home´). First she illustrates
the story and then makes characters and props in 3D. She works a
lot in collage, you can see some samples by clicking the link above.
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